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CAHPS Education: Dignity and Respect

Hospice Tools is the flexible EMR built by hospice & palliative clinical & management experts. Our solution delivers a flexible, powerful, and affordable EMR that delivers smooth operations, improved compliance, user-friendly charting, and maximized revenue cycle management. We deliver hospice & palliative agencies the tools to simplify hospice & palliative care management to deliver top…

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Patients are not in Control: Palliative Care as your Competitive Advantage

The hospice & palliative care industry is hyper-competitive and dominated by hospital & large health care systems as well as multi-state & national hospice agencies. Independent agencies often lack the resources to get their message out and compete for referrals. Recently yet another article was published and is making the rounds stating that patients have…

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Bye Bye HR Spreadsheets – Hello Compliance

The Office of the Inspector General recently released their report: Hospice Deficiencies Pose Risks to Medicare Beneficiaries OIG Report There is a lot to learn in the OIG report. However, an often overlooked aspect of deficiencies and corporate compliance are managing HR tasks. In APPENDIX A of the report we have a list of conditions…

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Better Hospice with Crowd-Sourcing

“The experts do pretty well — they get the answer right about two-thirds of the time,” Surowiecki, the author of “The Wisdom of Crowds,” told CBS News, “but the audience [of Who Wants to be a Millionaire] gets the answer right 91 percent of the time.” Hospice Tools is a revolutionary new EMR. Built by…

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Better Hospice Through Automation

Automation Alarmists “The next wave of economic dislocations won’t come from overseas, it will come from the relentless pace of automation that makes a lot of good, middle-class jobs obsolete.” – President Obama in his farewell address “I’m running for president because we need to understand that artificial intelligence and robotics must benefit the needs…

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Hospice Charting: Beyond the Checkbox

Every hospice agency does things a bit different. As hospice professionals we know what we know, but we don’t necessarily know what you know or how you do things a bit differently. Before launching Hospice Tools outside of our beta we researched the needs of hospice agencies. We met with a number of hospice pros…

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