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Hospice Forms Library & Charting Checklists

Hospice Tools flex-forms library has virtually all the hospice charting documentation forms your agency needs – from admission orders through your final bereavement discharge summary. The forms flow automatically to your timesheets, HIS, show trend histories within documents, and are customizable to match your workflows. Paper forms, such as benefit elections, are easily transformed into…

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Happy 4th!

The Hospice Tools Teams Wishes You A Happy & Safe 4th of July Our Top 10 4th of July Quotes “Independence Day: freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed – else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it…

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CAHPS Education: Hospice Discharge & Revocation

The Hospice CHAPS Education edition of valuable insights by our own hospice & palliative professionals covers the following CAHPS survey question: Discharge from Hospice Q: What are the three reasons a hospice may discharge a patient? 1. The patient moves out of the hospices service area or transfers to another hospice. Examples of moving out…

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Hospice & Staff Retention: Part 5, Performance

“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.” — Peter Drucker Reducing turnover and retaining your hospice staff is a critical element to your agency’s success. Reducing turnover impacts your agency’s ability to deliver consistent care with familiar faces which affects patients, referrals, CHAPS reporting, business operations, and much more. Performance, having well…

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Hospice & Staff Retention: Part 4, Leadership

“People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.” — John Maxwell Keeping your hospice team members long-term is a critical element to your agency’s success. The stability impacts the delivery of consistent care which affects patients, referrals, CHAPS reporting, business operations, and much more. Leadership, team members confidence in their company’s leadership…

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Hospice & Staff Retention: Part 3 Connection & Engagement

“When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” – Simon Sinek Keeping your hospice team members long-term is a critical element to your agency’s success. The stability impacts the delivery of consistent care which affects patients, referrals, CHAPS reporting, business operations, and much more. 7 Elements…

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Hospice Staff Retention: Patient Care, CHAPS & More. Part 1. Alignment

Staff retention is an issue across all businesses. In healthcare however, and especially in hospice, keeping your team members is not just difficult, but is crucial to the fundamental purposes of your company. The ability to keep your team members long term affects patient care, referrals, chaps reporting, and much more. 7 Elements of Staff…

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Get Hospice Referrals: How Hospice Helps SNF Admins

We talk a lot in hospice about how hospice helps patients. Whether it’s the in-service presentations for facilities, marketing materials and messaging for your referral sources, and articles and social media posts across the digital universe, the focus of hospice benefits is primarily, how hospice helps patients. Speaking with a marketer at one of the…

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Hospice Telehealth: A Communication Myth with CAHPS Impact

Telehealth does not improve communication. Saying that telehealth improves communication in hospice is like saying you can’t be alone at a party. You’re at a party and around people therefore you must not be alone. You’re communicating via telehealth therefore telehealth must be improving communication. Nope. Telehealth improves access to care. Your team can make…

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CAHPS Education: Levels of Hospice Care

Q: What are the levels of hospice care and when is each appropriate? A: There are four levels of hospice care. Find out more about each level and when it is appropriate. Levels of Care: Routine Home Care (RHC): Routine Home Care is the most common level for hospice patients. Most hospice patients start on…

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